Friday, February 4, 2011

week 4

Aaron arrived at Newport RI January 9th to report to OCS Class 08-11
we got our first phone call Monday afternoon which I missed because I was not expecting it since I thought he was going to call Sunday . he called back a couple hours later . He said it was harder then he thought but was upbeat . the first week went by so slow I thought it was never was going to end. Going into the navy was a family decision one we were both exited for. Aaron has always want to join the service as a kid he wanted to be a pilot but found out he was color blind so he went to school to become a civil engineer and thought still about joining but for one reason or another he did not .I would like to believe it was because he did not meet me yet! soon after we got married we talked about both of us joining I know crazy thought but that was just God stirring our heart .well we started down the road and we didn't get an open door so we still felt like we needed to move so we applied for a job in cali were my uncle started a church . he applyed for a job down there in within month he got the job and our house sold. before our first year anniversary we were in California. when we got there we still had desire to go into the service well Aaron we decided against me going. since I would be enlisted and He would be officer. so we looked into reserves but got no open doors so we put in out of our minds for a bit. well we just plugged into life in cali helping out at my uncles church it was a real good time for us to grow as a couple. also while we were there we started our family. on that road our hearts were moved to adopt from Uganda so we adopted our son Elliott right after we got pregnant with our girl liberty . the whole adoption journey is in another blog. so after three years and two kids we were in a fourth of july service and after the serve I knew Aaron was going to bring up joining the service . at one time he said his only regret was not serving .well since we owened a house and were pretty comfortable in California we went down the road to join reserves . it was going very well this time he went though all test physical but in the middle of all that i kept I feeling like we should go full time. so we just thought well maybe down the road while he is in reserves if the opportunity comes up to go full time we would take it. I still felt unsettled so asked him if he wanted to go full time .He said yes but though since kids house and every thing I would say no . well long story short we decided to sell our house and go for it! it was good timing because his papers where just coming through for reserves so we just switched it all up.
we are now in the fourth week of OCS and well it is harder then I thought being on my side . I miss him like crazy but the excitement for what is next keep me sane . He is doing amazing ,He really is thriving way better then being behind a desk his whole life . I laughed when in His letter he started out with" it is another amazing day!" It make my heart so happy because I can just see the spark in his eyes and I know he is enjoying the challenges . He is in his element and I love that! He just passed His first RLP .I will get a phone call every Sunday now! instead of counting down weeks it will be just counting down to Sunday. 4 weeks down 8 to go. I so look forward to seeing him at his graduation. I already have so much respect for him and so proud that His heart is to serve and is willing do whatever it takes. He is an amazing husband,and father and will be one incedible navy officer!